Porn bothers me because it is everywhere. It is everywhere partly
because porn is always a pioneer of new media and new forms of media saturate
our society at this moment. We are experiencing a media shift more dramatic
than television was. Anything which becomes ubiquitous so rapidly bothers me.
How did that happen? Do we want it to be so? Where is this ubiquitousness of
porn going?
Porn bothers me because I care deeply about human sexuality.
I see sexuality as a positive energy, wonderfully impractical, a glorious waste
of time and energy and laundry. I hope we never fully make sense of it. This
need to dive into each other, smells and tastes mingling, and fluids secreting
can save us from earnest pragmatism.
Porn is how we depict sexuality for our collective viewing.
It therefore becomes the language by which we understand it. For many people it
is their first educator.
Porn also bothers me because we often talk about it as a
matter of choice and freedom. Choice and freedom under capitalism remind me of Fezzicks’
line in the Princess Bride, “I do not think those words mean what you think
they mean.”
Your coffee was not grown by choice or served to you by
choice under capitalism, not entirely. Nor is our choice to drink coffee
entirely free of constraint or dependence. Porn is not magically different from
other products in this regard.
Finally Porn bothers me because I don’t think we are capable
of having very good conversations about it. In particular I think there are
three questions we could ask which would improve that conversation. They are;
- What do we mean by porn?
- How objectively can we call something porn?
- Are we going to discuss porn from the inside or the outside of experiencing porn?
This post aims to address those questions.
What do we mean by
Any discussion about porn is like a discussion about drugs.
The first question has to be which drugs or porn are you talking about? For
while a good working definition of porn might be material designed to titillate
and arouse, what tries to arouse us may try in very different ways. This is why
we attempt to distinguish porn from erotica or even art in general or we call
some porn soft and some hard.
The invitation to be aroused can come at the expense of
others. It can be their exploitation that is essential to the arousal. This is what
creates pornography that plays on fantasies of deceit, and even pornography
that employs deceit for real. The up-skirt phenomenon is an example of the
latter, but even it is overtaken by the pornography that is produced at “Spring
break” or “Schoolies” events. Off camera adults cajole drunken nineteen year
olds to “show us your tits” for the home viewers. There’s a relishing of the
needling necessary to produce the nudity. Not just the girl’s bodies but the manipulative
skill of the producers in gaining access to them is on show.
Money exchanges hands invisibly in these sorts of pornos. What
is bought is not just a glimpse of tits. The rhetoric of choice fails to
challenge for me that what the porn producer is purchasing on the porn viewer’s
behalf is some kind of power over these young women. “Look at what we can get
these dumb bitches to do,” is the subtext.
For me this is the crux of a particularly harmful pornography,
this exchange of power. Even if it is an illusion and everyone is pretending to
be exploited I consider this exchange to be what defines bad porn to me. A
woman I knew who worked in a seedy end of the sex industry felt it was her who
was exploiting her customers – their loneliness in particular. I don’t disagree
with her; however I think she exploited them precisely by offering them the
feeling of power over herself instead of the mutuality they wanted. Her own
exploitation may have been illusory while theirs was real, but her exploitation
was still the basis of the exchange. They still bought it and it defined the

For some people this raises a contradiction. For some people if another persons image arouses us in a sexual way then that is intrinsically exploitative or in some other way wrong. Lust is the name of the vice and it covers all aspects of the sexual gaze. It is always objectifying and always selfish. Only a cooler appreciation of beauty, as non-arousing, is non-exploitative. Under this model, all material that is designed to titillate and arouse can share the label porn without too much difficulty.
I think this reflects an experience of sexuality as
intertwined with power over others. If sexuality (particularly male sexuality) is
only the desire to, crudely, fuck “things” then the preparation to do exactly that
is all that arousal is. That requires people who are arousing us to be rendered
as things first in order to arouse. This type of sexuality is very visible in
our culture but I don’t think it’s the only one. I feel that while my sexuality
has been affected by this model, it isn’t even mostly expressed by it.
I think arousal itself is a politically neutral reaction. I
can get sexy with someone without being over or under them and certainly
without needing to exploit them. I can be top and bottom alternatively with
no-one having their full personhood defined in either role. Before this
paragraph sounds too much like a kinky personals ad I merely want to say that
therefore lust is not necessarily selfish for me. Therefore the discussion of
porn has to at least distinguish between material designed to arouse exploitatively
and non-exploitatively because both those arousals are possibilities.
For me the Mapplethorpe image of the naked woman flexing her
muscles evokes respect alongside arousal. I feel like I am witnessing someone
amazing in body and spirit. I feel like she is claiming that image from the
inside. It’s an example of a positively inspiring arousingly sexual image.
How objectively can
we call something porn?
The second question to be addressed in a discussion about
porn is how much objective reality are we going to concede to porn. It’s
possible to mount a criticism of the definition, that porn is what is designed
to arouse us, on the basis that our arousal is our responsibility anyway. Certainly
arousal is in our minds and we aren’t all aroused by the same thing. This can
suggest there is nothing that is or isn’t porn in any fixed sense.
Someone is going to be turned on by a catalog of shoes and a
shoe shop can’t take responsibility for the pornographic nature of their wares.
But then the shoe catalog was not designed
to stimulate us sexually. I think even the most optimistic shoe fetishist would
concede that. In fact they would probably insist on the difference between
shoes and shoe porn lest they be sold the former when they want the latter.
It’s a non-shoe fetishist who might struggle to see the distinction.

Problems arise when images are viewed in a different context
than were intended however because that changes a cues significance. The meaning
of the naked form is a perfect example. It can be medical, naturalist or
downright dirty. Some of that is pose, however if you displayed a bunch of
nudists photos in a clothed world they will look more shocking than the nudism
was in the flesh at the nudist beach. Indeed swimsuits themselves have a
different context in different environments. The environment of the viewing
changes the meaning. This has particular saddening ramifications for images of
children put into a sexualised context.
In the same way context can change the meaning of an image
from non-exploitative to exploitative. Even positive images of women such as Mapplethorpe’s
photo above can be recontextualised to justify a negative reading as exploitative.
That this is hard to do with this particular photo is a credit to the image. Criticism
of the use of this image in some contexts as exploitative would however be
justified. In particular I think of the work of Guerilla women, an art
collective who raise the issue of women as nude subjects in galleries dominated
by male artists. Even though individually an artistic nude woman is not by
nature exploitative inside the context Guerilla women identify there is
something very political happening. As they say “Do women have to be naked to
get into the Met Museum?”
Mapplethorpe also took several photos of male nudes. If a
gallery refused to show them and displayed only the female image above
alongside other female nudes, this would give the image above a new contextual meaning. It’s
not a meaning inherent in the image but it isn’t individually ours either. It’s
a meaning given to the image from outside it but before we individually get to
view it.
Since this blog will be doing exactly that without remedy
here are a few of Mapplethorpes male nudes.
The best word to explain how porn is both subjective and
objective and neither, is inter-subjective. This is the same word used to describe how words gain their meaning in language.
This means that we can only talk about what is porn and whether or not that
porn is exploitative in a particular context. We are not able to make general
statements about a particular media for all time.
Will we discuss porn
as insiders or as outsiders?
Lastly any discussion about porn has to decide whether we
are going to talk about it from outside the relationship between people and
pornography or from inside that relationship. Are we going to talk about porn
as porn viewers and readers or just as viewers of people watching porn?

I am not saying a user’s understanding of drugs is always superior
however. There’s a clarity of the removed perspective that’s very useful too.
Sometimes all the diverse appeals of drugs and porn are really best just called
addiction. The explicit motives of an addict, whether the pleasant taste of
tobacco or the soothing effect of alcohol, can be phantoms that vanish when a pattern
of substance use is ceased.
The above applies to porn as well as it does to drugs. There
is something deeply addictive about certain porn usage. It also has a
distorting effect on our perceptions. There are credible scientific studies
that confirm this. Certainly I feel like the people I have met who watch porn
of the exploitative type regularly are not improved by it. Sometimes an
external view is necessary to point this out.
Basically I think we need to have a balance of internal and
external perspectives on porn. I also think due to propriety we don’t tend to
heard enough of the inside perspective. Personally I feel like I am being dishonest
discussing porn without ever mentioning that material designed to arouse does
actually arouse me. I also feel like that is the normal way to discuss porn. Subsequently I feel a need to say the
I genuinely feel joy over images and stories of people
having a whale of a time with their bodies. I like that look of winning the
lottery for merely possessing something like an elbow with a higher
concentration of nerve endings.
I am especially awed by the collapse of our defences in
orgasm, the tremor that is unique to each of us and also shared. I like to
watch the original path to getting there that says this is me, follow my scars
across my body, I am not just anybody, I am not your last lover. I’m grateful
to porn for revealing variants of this.
Just as honestly I should admit my fear, even my anger at
porn. I can’t help comparing myself to the narrow cast of people most porn,
exploitative or not, tells me are arousing. I don’t measure up in the fitness
or the age requirements (speculate no further thankyou). Watching porn can thus
lead me to feel weary of who I am. That annoys the hell out of me because I
like who I am, but even more annoying is this same effect on people I love. Ultimately
it is sexually confident people that are the most sexy to me so I am pissed off
at porn for a history of stealing my sexual partners confidence.
At the end of the day I would rather have ordinary sex than
watch great porn. But bad porn is changing how we see ourselves and thus making
it harder to have great sex. As our idea of ourselves as eligible to be sexual
beings decreases due to porn, we can substitute even more porn for sex. I am genuinely
worried that our depictions of sexuality are becoming further detached from
having a living, fumbling sexuality to describe in the first place.
I hope we can have more sensible discussions about material
designed to arouse us. I hope the three questions I’ve outlined give us the
basis to do that. Porn is after all a very large part of our world and if
trends continue will be an increasing part of our children’s world. We ought to
have a considered response.